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Sánchez, C. Pathways to an environmental education from el Sur. In.:  Claudia Mortari, Luisa Tombini Wittmann (Org.). Insurgent narratives: decolonizing knowledge and interweaving worlds – Florianópolis, SC: Rocha Gráfica e Editora, 2020.


Rufino, L.; Renaud, D.; Sánchez, C. Environmental Education Since El Sur: The Perspective of Terrexistence as Decolonial Politics and Poetics. Sergipana Magazine of Environmental Education, vol. 7, p. 1-11, 2020.


Kassiadou, A.; Sánchez, C. Reflections on environmental conflicts in light of environmental racism and environmental injustice. In Mohammed ElHajji; Denise Cogo; Amparo Huertas (Eds.) Transnational migrations, interculturality, politics and communication; Transnational migrations, interculturality, politics and communication; Migrations transnationales, interculturality, politiques et communication; Transnational migrations, interculturality, policies and communication. InCom-UAB Publicacions, 20. Bellaterra: Institut de la Comunicació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. for. 33-42, 2020.


Martins, P; Sánchez, C. School environmental education: paths and crossings towards critical environmental education. Educazione tightens. n. 7, p 201-222, 2020.


Oliveira, C.; Pelacani, B.; Stortti, M.; Sánchez, C. Critical Environmental Education and the Contextualization of Latin American Socioenvironmental Reality. in: Sangenis, L.; Oliveira, E.; Carreiro, H. (Orgs.). Teacher Training for Plural and Democratic Education. Ed. UERJ. 2020


Baptista, C.; Guimaraes, M.;  Sánchez, C. Interculturality and environmental education: possibilities and challenges with the Guarani culture. Journal of Public Education, vol. 29, p. 1-16, 2020. 


Stortti, MA ; Sánchez, C.; Jiménez, L.; Silva, R.; Almeida, R.; Almeida, E.; Hidalgo, R.; Melo, A.; Pelacani, B.; Ferreira, C. Insurgent Dialogues between Environmental Education and Cultures at the Environmental Education Research Meeting (EPEA). Research in Environmental Education (Online), v. 15, p. 143-157, 2020.


Oliveira, C.; Tiriba, L. Pandemic, care crisis and democracy: what to learn from those who take care of life?. Artes de Educar Interinstitutional Journal, vol. 6, p. 36-57, 2020.


Campos, BF; Bevilaqua, PM; Sánchez, C. Learning with resistance, insisting on hope: from a colonial heritage to the construction of utopia. Education, Health and Environment – Special Issue, pp. 412-433, 2020.


Oliveira, LR; Angels, MB; Latini, RM; Santos, MBP Environmental Education, Practices and Curriculum Policies in Undergraduate: Narratives about Academic Projects. Education, Health and Environment – Special Issue, pp. 353-370, 2020.


Pelacani, B.; Parra, RAG; Rodríguez, JMV; Sánchez, C. The fights that educate: Community-Based Environmental Education and Popular Consultations on the mining conflict in Colombia. Education, Health and Environment – Special Issue, pp. 331-352, 2020.

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Martins, PCM Coletivos Estudantis as Environmentalist Vanguard: an analysis of Recanto at Universidade Federal Fluminense. Education, Health and Environment – Special Issue, pp. 255-270, 2020.

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Stortti, MA; Spinoza, GMF; Garcia, RA Festa, Territorial dispute, Reexistence and Environmental Education from el Sur: A case study of the Gran Marcha Carnaval de Tolima, Colombia. Education, Health and Environment – Special Issue, pp. 289 - 309, 2020.


Oliveira, CAG; Rojas, LAP; Prada, KAF; Salty, SDCWhat do Women's Movements and Southern Ecofeminisms teach us? Notes for Community-Based Environmental Education. Education, Health and Environment – Special Issue, pp. 180 -204, 2020.


Acciolly, IB Domination and Resistance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Attacks on the rights to knowledge and life on the development agenda. Education, Health and Environment – Special Issue, pp. 110-132, 2020.



Costa, RN; Loureiro, R.; Sanchez, C. . Learning from the nature and pedagogical dimension of environmental conflicts: a Political Ecology approach in climate discussions. Research and Practices in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, v. 1, p. 188-190, 2020.

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Sato, M.; Santos, D.; Sánchez, C. Virus: simulacrum of life? Rio de Janeiro: GEASur, UNIRIO, Cuiabá: GPEA, UFMT, 2020.

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Sánchez, C.; Salgado, SC; Oliveira, ST Contributions of political ecology to the construction of a community-based environmental education in the Latin American context: narrating the experience of a University Extension Course. Environment & Education. v. 25, no. 1, p 131-161, 2020.


Costa, RN; Loureiro, R.; Sánchez, C. From mud to chaos: a proposal for teacher education at the interface between community-based environmental education, cinema and climate change. APEduC Magazine. v. 1, no. 1, p 161-167, 2020.


Salgado, SC; Menezes, AK; Sánchez, CP Coloniality as a structuring project of the ecological crisis and Environmental Education from el Sur as a possible path to decoloniality. Pedagogical Magazine. v. 21, p 597-622, 2019.


Accioly, I. Brazilian Experiences of Environmental Education Policies at the Federal and State Levels: Trajectories of Participatory Democracy Construction. Journal of the Korean Society for Environmental Education, 32, 4, 2019.


Camargo, DR; Sánchez, C. Community-Based Environmental Education: experience report in the Jequitinhonha Valley. Educational Perspectives Magazine, v. 8, p. 61-72, 2019.


Pelacani, B.; Oliveira, CAG; Sanchez, C. Community-based environmental education emerging from the conflict with the El Peñol hydroelectric dam, Colombia. Educational Perspectives Magazine, v. 8, p. 1-304, 2019.


Stortti, MA; Sánchez, CP Dialogues between Initial Teacher Training in Biology and the theme of Justice, Conflicts and Environmental Racism. Electronic Journal of the Masters in Environmental Education, v. 36, p. 60-82, 2019.


Stortti, MA; Sánchez, CP Dialogues between Initial Teacher Training in Biology and the theme of Justice, Conflicts and Environmental Racism. Electronic Journal of the Master's Degree in Environmental Education, v. 36, p. 60-82, 2019.


Silva, JVC; Gonçalves, RS; Sánchez, C. Les sociétés d'eau: l'education à l'environnement dans une favela communautaire in Rio de Janeiro. Droit et Cultures, v. 78, p. 139-158, 2019.


Pelacani,B.; Muniz, TSA; Pereira, CS Critical Environmental Education and Critical Heritage Studies: intersections and turn to decolonial pedagogies. Brazilian Journal of Environmental Education, vol. 14, p. 133-151, 2019.


Martins, P.; Silva, ACS; Maneschy, DM; Sánchez, C.; Ambivero, MC; Lopes, AF Educação Ambiental Crítica, from Theory to School Practice: Analysis of the experience of a project in the context of a public school in Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian Journal of Environmental Education, vol. 14, p. 86-102, 2019.


Sánchez, C.; Costa, RN; White, FTB; LEAL, GF Capital do Petróleo: transversal views of public school teachers and their perspectives for environmental education. Development and Environment, v. 52, p. 284-301, 2019.


Oliveira, CAG; Sanchez. C. Environmental education, environmental justice and gender issues: the perspective of a group of community environmental educators from Magé. Electronic Magazine of the Master in Environmental Education, v. 35, p. 151-170, 2018.


Silva, JVC; Sánchez, C. Morro da Formiga water societies: community-based environmental education and knowledge ecology in a favela in Rio de Janeiro. The Social in Question, v. 20, p. 185-208, 2018.


Costa, RN; White, FB; Sánchez, C. Audiovisual production in the training of professors-researchers: shared views on the Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park. Development and Environment, v. 45, p. 258-273, 2018.


Silva, JVC; Gonçalves, RS; Pereira, CS Water Societies: community environmental education in a favela in Rio de Janeiro. Electronic Magazine Teaching, Health and Environment, v. 11, p. 1-19, 2018.


Menezes, AK; Loureiro, CFB; Sanchez, C. Agenda 21 of the municipality of Magé-RJ and its interfaces with the new pedagogy of hegemony. Electronic Journal of the Masters in Environmental Education, v. 34, p. 4, 2017.


Stortti, MA; Sánchez, C. Reflections on Critical Environmental Education in a research group: a case study of GEASUR. Acta Scientiae et Technicae, v. 5, p. 1, 2017.


Baptista, CA; Benites, S.; Sánchez, C. Interculturality and Environmental Education: Possibilities and Challenges with the Guarani Mbyá Culture. IX EPEA - Research Meeting in
Environmental education. Juiz de Fora Federal University. 2017.


Stahelin, N.; Accioly, I.; Sánchez, C. The Promise and Peril of the State in Neoliberal Times: Implications for the Critical Environmental Education Movement in Brazil. Environmental Education Research, v. 28, p. 1-14, 2015.


Menezes, AK; Sánchez, C. Sustainable Schools and Social and Environmental Conflicts: reflections on environmental education projects in the school context in three municipalities in the state of rio de Janeiro. Vitas Magazine: transdisciplinary views on environment and society, v. 8, p. 1, 2014.


Ribeiro, T.; Sánchez, C.; Pereira, TL Sciences, childhood and literacy: Provocations to think about learning as an expansion of the word world. Electronic Journal of Education, vol. 8, p. 96-112, 2014.


Costa, RN; Oliveira, VAN; Lianza, S.;  C . When the University goes to school: the experience in environmental education of the Municipal Fishermen's College of Macaé/RJ, 2007-2010. 31, p. 261-280, 2014.


Silva, SMV; Sánchez, C.; Batista, T. The CTSA approach as a possibility for teaching natural sciences and developing skills and autonomy for people with deafblindness. Benjamin Constant, v. 56, p. 10-20, 2013.


Menezes, AK; Sánchez, C. The environmental youth collective and the government policy of sustainable schools: reflections on possible dialogues with environmental justice. Journal of Education, Science and Mathematics, vol. 3, p. 196-206, 2013.


Costa, RN; Leal, GF; Sánchez, C. Águas Maravilhosas (Macaé, RJ): from the river to the dump in the memory of a garbage collector. Development and Environment, v. 27, p. 109-119, 2013.


Pereira, G.; Sánchez, C. Considerations on the importance of individuality and personal differences of conception for the formation of the educator. Praxis Magazine, p. 75-84, 2013.


Pereira, CS; Aaccioly, I. A look at the Brazilian National Congress: the environment represented in the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate. Latin American Encuentros, v. 6, p. 364-396, 2013.


Accioly, I.; Sanchez, C.  Anti-ecologism in the National Congress: the environment represented in the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate. Development and Environment, n. 25, p. 97-108, 2012.


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